Take a Second Look! Pictures I Believed Were Great But Were Not

Admit it! We all have those pictures that we were so proud of. Before you know it, time progresses, and our photography improves. And when we look back at those old pictures, we have a minor heart attack! Those pictures that we once loved and cherished are quite terrible compared to the ones we take now.

Here are a few photos that I was so proud of when I first started photography. Looking back at them now, there's nothing to be proud of!  Hope you enjoy this post!


I honestly do not know what was going through my mind when I decided to save this picture. I must have forgotten to put on my glasses! Look how blurry this photo is!

These flowers are still pretty (even though they're dying!)

Believe it or not, this was the first picture I took on my DSLR camera, and I was quite proud of myself. Now mind you, it was a bright summer afternoon, and I didn't know how to use shutter speed properly. Guess what I used? MY CAMERA'S FLASH! That's why the picture looks like it was taken in the evening.

I was also quite proud of this picture. My mother told me that the flowers looked fake. And to this day, I don't know if that was a compliment or an insult.

I was so desperate to take pictures, that I took a picture of these weeds. I was so proud of myself for a while. Looking back at it, it's an awful picture.

This was the picture I was proud of the most ... for a while. I loved it because of the rain drop hanging at the edge of the pine leaf. Looking at it now, the raindrop isn't focused at all.

Ahhhhh! I loved this photo for a long time! I just loved the beautiful colors of this Japanese maple planted in the front of my house. It's quite similar to the previous photo -- the raindrop is out of focus.

I honestly don't know why I took this picture...

Ummmmm, I'm still not quite sure of the purpose behind this photo. What I remember is that I was proud of this picture when I first took it.


And those are just a few of the many pictures that I believed were great. Yes, I was quite embarrassed to show my horrible pictures to the world, but there is a lesson behind it. I want to introduce you to the word progress. 
According to the Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, progress is:

  "the process of improving or developing something over a period of time." 

And I have great news: progress happens to every single individual, and it occurs in every aspect of the world. It can happen in sports, academics, photography (of course!), and in other areas. If you're in a stage where you feel like you're often failing, don't throw in the towel. Progress is a process, and the process isn't always easy. Continue to work hard, and at the end of the day, you'll look back and see how far you've come. Don't lose heart! If progress happened to me, it will surely happen to you.


"Progress is not achieved by luck or by accident, 
but by working on yourself daily."
