My Photography Wish-List

Every photographer as a wish-list: things they want that will improve their photography. As for me, there are 3 things that I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to invest in for my photography.

1. Tripod
Buy here
Tripods are vital for photographers. It helps elevate and stabilize your camera as you take pictures. Tripods are especially useful if you are photographing in low light, photographing long exposures, and photographing with filters. In general, tripods are important, and I would love to have one.

2. External Flash
AmazonBasics Electronic Flash for DSLR Cameras (Canon, Nikon)
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External flashes are useful in photography. Even professional photographers advise photography "newbies" to buy an external flash as their first accessory. Generally, external flashes improve the quality of your photos. In addition, external flashes have its own set of batteries, therefore giving your camera more battery life. That is definitely a plus!

3. Remote Shutter Release
AmazonBasics Wireless Remote Control for Canon Digital SLR Cameras
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Have you taken a picture in low light settings, and when you upload them into your computer, you find out that EVERY SINGLE PICTURE IS BLURRY? That has happened to me before! When you're shooting in low light settings, you are probably using a slow shutter speed. A slow shutter speed and shaky hands contribute to blurry photos, and who wants to display their blurry pictures. That is when a remote shutter release comes to play. Remote shutter releases allows you to trigger the shutter release button without having to touch the camera. Although more expensive, the wireless (untethered) shutter release allows you to shoot pictures at long distances. The wired (tethered) shutter release is less expensive, but easier to use. If you're an amateur or beginner photographer, I advise you to buy the wired shutter release. 

And that is it! Comment down below and tell me what other photography accessories are on your wish-list.
