You Know You're a Photographer When...

I promise, this will be a simple and direct post...

Without further ado, I present to you: "You Know You're A Photographer When..."


1. The only time you will let someone take a picture of yourself is when you need a profile picture for your social media accounts

2. You drive by a rundown house and say, "This can be a PERFECT location for a photo shoot!"

3. You get SO mad when people buy expensive cameras just to shoot in automatic mode

4. The only time you'll attend an event is if you're allowed to bring your camera and take pictures

5. You fall behind your tour group JUST to get 'the perfect shot'

6. You DON'T CARE what awkward position you're in to get 'the perfect shot'

Working the Scene by Shamas Malik on 500px
Working the Scene by Shamas Malik

7. The only time you're willing to take risks is if you're taking a photo

Dubai by Vadim Makhorov on 500px
Dubai by Vadim Makhorov

8. The most frustrating thing on earth is MISSING 'the perfect shot!'

9. At the end of the day, you're proud to be a photographer, despite the negative things people say about you.

Yup, and that's the end of this post. Comment down below, and tell me which applies to you the most!
