Photography 101: Getting Started

Has photography ever been a hobby you wanted to pursue? Then you should continue to read this post. I'll teach you the basics of photography, and I promise you that by the time you finish reading this, you'll be on the path to becoming a photography expert.

1. Get a DSLR camera

This is actually the hardest part of the 'process.' You need a camera to take pictures (common sense!). I'd highly recommend a DSLR camera, which stands for a 'digital single-lens reflex camera,' which costs a couple hundred bucks. You may ask: "Why a DSLR camera and not any other digital camera?" The reflex design in the DSLR camera is what sets it apart from other cameras. Also, the quality of a DSLR camera is significantly better than any plain camera -- it allows you to get quality pictures at low light settings. Before you go off to buy a camera, let me tell you that you do not need to get a fancy expensive camera. I have a Pentax X90 (you probably never heard of that), and I still take great pictures.

2. Learn How to Use Your Camera

Once you have your camera, it's imperative that you know how to use it. Skim through the manual, and learn how to change settings, capture pictures, and view photos. It's plain simple.

3. Learn the very basics of photography

I know that this is very vague, but I promise to go in depth later. You need to know the basics of photography in order to take pictures. On my next post, I will go through the "three fundamental pillars" of photography. Once you know them, you'll be able to take pictures anyplace and anywhere.

Stay tuned!
