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Do It Yourself: Cheap White Seamless Backdrop

 Today, I attempted to do a mini photo session. This photo session was quite significant to me because I tried something new. This was the first time I attempted to do a seamless, white background in ANY of my pictures, and it proved to be a success! In this post, I will show you all how to make a cheap, white seamless backdrop in less than three minutes! -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.What You Need -.-.-.-.-.-. ∙ A white poster board (preferably cut in half) ∙ Tape ∙ A chair (with a back to support the poster board) And of course ... a CAMERA! -.-.-.-.-.-. Directions -.-.-.-.-.-. Slightly fold the poster board, and tape it to the 'back' and the 'seat' of the chair. I didn't use my camera's flash, because I put the chair in front of a clear door. The natural light coming from the door made the lighting ten times better than my camera's flash! And.... Voila! That's it! You got your seamless background

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